Women Smiling

Support Services for Women

Photo Credit: Alex

National Support Services for Women

The Country Women’s Association is the largest women’s organisation in Australia. It has 44,000 members across 1855 branches. Its aims are to improve the conditions for country women and children and to try to make life better for women and their families, especially those women living in rural and remote Australia.

Women’s Forum Australia is an independent women’s think tank that undertakes research, education and public policy development about social, economic, health and cultural issues affecting women. Women’s Forum Australia promotes initiatives that work to improve the lives of all women, especially women from disadvantaged and marginalised backgrounds.

Sands Australia provides parent support and education in the area of miscarriage, stillbirth and newborn death. Telephone support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1300 072 637 (1300 0 sands). Parent supporters understand the grief and confusion you may be experiencing, as they too have had a baby that has died.

Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services, including a 24 hour hotline – call 13 11 14.

beyondblue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related disorders in Australia. They also have a 24 hour hotline that offers counselling and support services – call 1300 224 636.

Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. They offer services around the country that include counselling, family dispute resolution (mediation) and a range of family and community support and education programs.

Parentline Australia is a confidential telephone service providing professional counselling and support for parents and carers of children. Hotline numbers vary according to the state from which you are calling – refer to their website for more information.

Queensland Support Services for Women

Womensline is a free, confidential phone-based referral and support service for women. Womensline offers professional counselling and information for Queensland women around issues of domestic and family violence, relationship issues, women’s health, family law issues, child support, depression and any other significant issues for women. Womensline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – call 1800 811 811.

New South Wales Support Services for Women

Women’s Legal Services NSW provides a voice for women in NSW and to promote access to justice, through the provision of legal services, law reform and community legal education, particularly for women who are disadvantaged by their social and economic circumstances.

Victoria Support Services for Women

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre is a statewide training, resources and information service. It provides telephone support and referral to services to people who have experienced family violence, training for workers in family violence or related sectors and also extensive print and online support and information. DVRC is one of the strongest DV support services for women in the country. For more information, call the centre on (03) 9486 9866, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm or check out its websites.

The Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault is the peak body of the 15 Centres Against Sexual Assault, and the Victorian Sexual Assault Crisis Line (after hours). Together they work to ensure that women and children who are victim/survivors of sexual assault have access to comprehensive and timely support and intervention to address their needs. Visit their site to locate a centre near you, or call the Sexual Assault Crisis Line on 1800 806 292.

Women’s Legal Service Victoria is a not for profit organisation providing free and confidential legal information, advice and representation to women in Victoria. They specialise in issues arising from relationship breakdown and violence against women.

South Australia Support Services for Women

Women’s Legal Service SA focuses on assisting women with legal information, advice, representation, referrals and education on a wide range of issues including domestic violence, family law, criminal injuries compensation, discrimination, employment, debts, and immigration. They have advice phone lines open in business hours and after hours – visit the website to find the numbers according to your location.

ACT Support Services for Women

The Women’s Legal Centre is a community legal centre for women in Canberra and the surrounding area. The centre is run by women and aims to improve women’s access to justice, offering free advice and representation and releasing regular publications.

Women ACT is the ACT Government’s online information service for women. Women ACT aims to provide an accessible and up-to-date online reference point for women and girls in the ACT. It offers support services like counselling and information on women’s refuges, as well as community events and resources relevant for women in the ACT.

Tasmania Support Services for Women

Women’s Legal Service Tasmania provides confidential and free legal advice and referral on all legal matters including Family Law, Family Violence, Civil and Criminal Law, Estate and Property Law. They also conduct Community Legal Education workshops throughout the community and produce legal information aimed at making the legal system more accessible and responsive to the issues affecting women through law reform.

The Sexual Assault Support Service provides support services for women who have been recently sexually assaulted, and counselling services for children and adults of all ages, religions, cultures, sexual orientation, ability, and socio-economic groups who have experienced sexual abuse at any time of their lives.

Safe at Home is the Tasmanian Government’s response to family violence. It involves a range of services working together to protect and support victims of family violence, including young people and children, while making offenders responsible for their behaviour. Visit their website or call their 24 hour Family Violence Response and Referral Line on 1800 633 937.

Northern Territory Support Services for Women

Womensline is a free, confidential phone-based referral and support service for women. Womensline offers professional counselling and information for Northern Territory women around issues of domestic and family violence, relationship issues, women’s health, family law issues, child support, depression and any other significant issues for women. Womensline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – call 1800 811 811.

Dawn House provides support services for women and children escaping domestic and family violence. It is located in Darwin, holding regular meetings and offering free counselling. If you live outside of Darwin you can also arrange free phone counselling appointments – visit their site for more contact details.

Western Australia Support Services for Women

Women’s Information Service (WIS) is a free confidential telephone information service available to all women in Western Australia. Trained staff members assist callers by referring them to appropriate government and community services. They can be contacted on 6217 8230 or 1800 199 174 (freecall for country callers).

The Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services is a state-wide peak organisation committed to improving the status of women and children in society that seeks to ensure that all women and children live free of domestic and family violence. They offer a range of projects and publications aimed at helping women in WA.

To find more support services for women in your local area, follow this link to the Lifeline Service Finder. 


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